call me a cynical cunt if you please, but i just don’t buy the ‘i was so drunk and stoned’ explanation.
you see, the last time i was on substances, i did exactly what i wanted to.
if you’d consult with your pecker, peter, i’m sure you’d find that’s exactly what you did too.
it’s an abiding male fantasy that chicks don’t want to get laid. and while i hate to burst your bubble dearest, actually, we do.
the one thing that can put us off though, is to deal with the whimpering aftermath you seem to go through.
relax, it’s really not such a dire moral issue.
plus, it would be so infinitely more attractive to do away with the sniveling and say – madam, my compliments, it was a pleasure to screw you.
image source:
yehahahha. be a man peter ; ) tho i suspect peter feels a bit foolish.
you're too kind, agg, in this case i believe peter is foolish.
that was worth a good laugh... I'm even going to type it here.. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Is this autobiographical? And which man fantasies about women not wanting to get laid?
@eye, heh heh to you too :)
@perakath, let's say it's empirical ;) a lot of men wish women wanted to get laid. this lies at the heart of the most basic male fantasy.
Oh I feel like contributing here! Lemme see if I can come up with something!
Not true. Many of us in fact wish there were two willing to get screwed at the same time.
@atrisa, of course you can. be nice to peter and write him a letter, quick!
@R, ah, another classic from the archives.
You are so funny. And real.
Screw you.
my compliments madam, it has been a pleasure to read you.
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